Look below and see if we answered your question. If not, don't hesitate to get in touch with us!


General Questions - [email protected]

Become a Contributor - [email protected]

IHA Member Relations - [email protected]

FAQs about The Inspired Home

What is The Inspired Home?

The Inspired Home is your source for artfully curated content, emerging home trends, expert tips and fresh ideas to help you select the right housewares products to make your house a home – all brought to you by the International Housewares Association (IHA), The Home Authority.

Who contributes to Inspired Home?

The Inspired Home contributors are bloggers, designers, foodies, industry experts and housewares enthusiasts who discover amazing new products, recipes and ideas and share them with readers like you. The Inspired Home contributors will keep you in-the-know about the right housewares products for your home.

Where can I buy products featured on The Inspired Home?

Products featured on The Inspired Home can ultimately be purchased through links in the stories and articles.

FAQs about the International Housewares Association (IHA)

What is the International Housewares Association?

The International Housewares Association (IHA) is a not-for-profit, full-service trade organization that has been promoting and bringing respected housewares brands together since 1938. With over 1,300 member from over 30 countries, the IHA is known for a being an influential voice in the housewares industry. IHA owns and operates the annual International Home + Housewares Show, held in Chicago.

Can my company join IHA?

Your company can become a member of the International Housewares Association today! By joining the IHA, your brands will enjoy multiple benefits, such as discounted space at the International Home + Housewares Show, free year-round listing on IHA’s website at www.housewares.org, a presence on The Inspired Home and discounts on essential business services. For more information, please contact Ginny Costello by email at [email protected].

FAQs about Contributors

Does The Inspired Home accept guest posts?

Thank you for your interest in contributing to The Inspired Home! We always welcome fresh ideas and expert perspectives to highlight the best of the housewares industry for our readers. To be considered for a guest post or contributor opportunity, please email your content idea to [email protected].

Can a contributor or someone at The Inspired Home advise me on my personal/home design projects?

Our contributors are not available for hire via The Inspired Home, but we encourage you to actively use our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest channels to find inspiration and ask questions so that we can provide you with the most relevant and up-to-date information and guidance. To reach out to our contributors individually, please visit their bio pages.

How can I contact The Inspired Home contributors and editors?

You can learn more about The Inspired Home contributors through their bio pages.

FAQs on Public Relations

I’m a member of the media, and I’m looking to sample or feature a product I saw on The Inspired Home. Who can I contact?

For more information about media opportunities, please email us at [email protected].

I’m a blogger, and I’d like to sample/review a product featured on The Inspired Home. Can I have a product sent to me?

At this time, we are not accepting any blogger product reviews or sponsored posts. If you would like to become a regular contributor to The Inspired Home, please email [email protected] with your blog information and site statistics for review and consideration.


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